Liberty PRSSA Entrepreneurship Panel

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Last month I was asked to be on a panel to chat about running AG The Look while being a fulltime student. It was such an edifying experience! The PRSSA members in the audience asked incredible questions and were not slow to praise my fellow panelist and my businesses. Guys I’m just gonna tell it straight up, I felt cool.

Macy Morehart was a first time panelist’s dream co-panelist. She was super fun, had the best answers to the questions [I for sure got emotional when she was chatting about photographing weddings and about the goodness of God], and she wore red pants so my pink and red dreams were coming true left and right. I think my favorite part was chatting with everyone afterwards, hearing their ideas for their future businesses. It was inspiring & I met some really fun people!

Below is a piece the leadership team at Liberty’s PRSSA wrote in their newsletter on the panel. I copied it below so it would be easier to read : )

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“Many PRSSA members have the long term goal of starting their own business. As communications, business, or project management majors, students are trained to think like an Entrepreneur. Some plan to start down the line, but the panel for our EntrepreNEWrship Event were both young students pursuing their dreams.

Anna Grace (left) and Macy (right) have started their businesses despite being fulltime students. Anna Grace has a personal styling business that has become a success over the last year. Redesigning college students’ closets has become one of her passions.

Macy has a successful Photography business. She also works with a group of young adults to create the highly praised Lynchburg market. She has used her vision skills to go into many business ventures and plans to continue past graduation.

Both speakers praised Instagram as an essential part of their success. Anna Grace raved about her new love of Instagram reels. They also discussed their faith as a crucial pillar of their personal businesses. God has led them to success and guided them through challenging business decisions.”

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If you are local to central Virginia make sure you stop by Macy’s Lynchburg Market or hire her for you wedding photography needs! She is genuine, spunky, kind, and a go-getter. You will have a blast with her!

Thank you again Liberty PRSSA for having me last month, it was a blast and a half!


feeling sassy in sassafras springs


jupiter, fl